Advertising Rates and Policy for Tanorama's Online PNG Business Directory


Advertising Rates

PNG Goods & Service Providers are can submit a line entry for inclusion at no cost (a link back would be appreciated) - please forward details of your business to


Google Advertisements

Advertisements from Google are displayed throughout the Online PNG Business Directory and in selected pages in other sections of the website. The Tanorama Network has no control over the ads that are served but may block any advertiser should we find it offensive or inappropriate.


Paid Display Advertisements

The Tanorama Network accepts a limited amount of advertising on the website to ensure the website remains functional for its main purpose of finding appropriate goods/services providers by users of the site.

Vertical Banner - K500/A$200 p.a per category, 1 x vertical banner sized ad in 5 categories - K2,000/A$800 p.a
(120 x 600 pixels - limited to only one per category)

Large Square - K400/A$160 p.a per category, 1 x large square sized ad in 5 categories - K1,600/A$640 p.a
(300 x 300 pixels - limited to only two per category)

Horizontal Banner - K300/A$120 p.a per category, 1 x horizontal banner sized ad in 5 categories - K1,200/A$475 p.a
(460 x 60 pixels)

Medium Rectangle - K300/A$120 p.a per category, 1 x medium rectangle sized ad in 5 categories - K1,200/A$475 p.a
(180 x 150 pixels)

Small Banner - K250/A$99 p.a per category, 1 x small banner sized ad in 5 categories - K1,000/A$395 p.a
(234 x 60 pixels)

Rates for advertisements to appear on landing pages upon application.

Design Fee - K250/A$100 per advertisement
(if advertiser does not have stock advertisements ready for publication)

Update Fee - K200/A$80 per advertisement
(for advertisements requiring change mid-campaign due to address changes etc)

Additional services can be negotiated to include online promotion of your website, product or business. Talk to us.


Advertising policy

The presence of an advertisement on The Tanorama Network website does not imply endorsement of the product, the company supporting the product or the service being advertised.

The Tanorama Network will refuse an advertisement if we do not think it suitable for advertisement on the website.

Advertisers do not exert any influence on the editorial content, selection of content or presentation of material on The Tanorama Network website.

Advertisers are responsible for complying with the relevant guidelines for advertising their products and must be able to substantiate any claims made.

The Tanorama Network respects your privacy and does not pass any information regarding individual members or users to advertisers or sponsors without your prior consent.

If you follow a link from an advertisement you may be taken to a third party website. The Tanorama Network does not review or control the content of third party websites and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained, or the views expressed, in those sites. If you supply information to those sites, or access their products and services you do so at your own risk.

Google uses cookies to serve ads on this site. Google may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. The Tanorama Network has no control over the Google ads that are served. We do not endorse the services or products in these ads. If you find any of these ads offensive or have concerns about them, please email us at, and we will block the advertiser if we think the complaint is valid.

Paid Display Advertisements can be placed in one or more category on the Online PNG Business Directory.

The Tanorama Network may, in its absolute discretion, refuse or withdraw a Paid Display Advertisement from publication at any time without giving reasons

Each advertiser warrants to The Tanorama Network that the advertiser's Paid Display Advertisement and its Content does not breach or infringe:

If an advertiser wishes to make a claim on The Tanorama Network for credit, re-publication or other remedy in respect of a Paid Display Advertisement, the advertiser must send the claim to us in writing no later than twenty-one (21) days after the date of the Tax Invoice or date of publication for the Paid Display Advertisement, whichever is the earlier. The Tanorama Network will only investigate complaints during normal business hours and any decision made by The Tanorama Network, in its absolute discretion, is final

Each advertiser indemnifies The Tanorama Network on demand from any claim for any loss, damage or harassment (including legal costs on a solicitor and own client basis) in relation to any Content published on the Web Site on behalf of the advertiser.

Each advertiser warrants that if its Paid Display Advertisement contains any Content which is the name or photographic or pictorial representation of any living person or anything by which a living person can be identified, the advertiser has obtained the prior consent of that person to use that Content.

This policy may be revised periodically.

Advertisers and media buyers with questions about advertising, sponsorship packages or integrated solutions on The Tanorama Network website should contact the



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Last modified: April 2013